Why Chiropractic for Children?

An adult’s body will function in a certain way, with certain limitations, because of how it is built, in other words your form decides your function. But in babies and children that are still growing it is the other way around. Their form is not yet set, so how well they function will ultimately lead to the type of body they will eventually develop. It is the goal of the paediatric chiropractic to maximize that potential.

As in adults, when spinal or cranial joints are not moving properly they are not able to send clear communication to the brain via the nervous system. The nervous system relies on this constant flow of communication from the joints (called proprioception) and muscles to function and develop optimally. The spinal asymmetry created by these dysfunctions can often have long reaching effects and manifest in different ways.

PCA stands for excellence in the chiropractic treatment of paediatric patients.

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Your Chiropractor will assess if the complaint is potentially related to, or perhaps worsened by joint dysfunction and faulty neural communication. Chiropractors are trained to correct and restore proper joint function and communication allowing the body to heal and grow at its best.

It is important to correct asymmetry as soon as possible. During infancy there are optimal times at which basic skills should be learnt. If a skill is not acquired correctly or is acquired poorly out of the normal chain of events pattern, it can interfere with cognitive and motor development later on. This is a fundamental reason why even minor signs and asymmetry should be detected and treated as early as possible so as to avoid excessive treatment at a later date. Often, with children, pain is not associated with their complaints as it is in adults.